Tuesday 10 March 2015

What is a Healthy balanced diet?

A Healthy Balanced diet is all about choosing healthy foods and formulating a feasible diet plan.

Here are some points that you need to keep in mind while planning your healthy diet:

  • Calories Requirement: Calories are important for body. You should get your calories from different sources: proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Consuming too much calories are also not good for a healthy life.
  • Fruits and Vegetables: Fruits and Vegetables are very essential part of a healthy diet plan, even we can say it starts from here. One should eat fruits twice a day.
  • Carbohydrates: Carbohydrates are useful for energy and the best sources are breads, pasta, rice and potatoes/sweet potatoes.
  • Milk Products: A healthy balanced diet also consists of milk and dairy products. Unless you have allergies or you simply cannot tolerate milk, you should drink up to two glasses of milk to supply your body with enough calcium for strong bones.
  • Sea Food: The more you eat fish the more you will reduce heart problems as well as improve your nervous system health. Fish and sea foods are great sources of antioxidants and minerals that the body needs to have optimum growth.
  • Salt: Salt brings out the flavor in foods but eating too much salty foods or consuming more salt (more than 6 grams in day) is unhealthy. Avoid too much salt to prevent cardiovascular illness.
  • Water: A part of a healthy balanced diet plan is to drink more water and fluids. Water is a universal solvent and it can dilute toxins from the body to be flushed out of the kidneys and the large colon. Water also improves skin and mucous membrane health. Try to drink as much as 8 to 10 glasses of water each day.
Finally, Consult your doctor if you have any illness or medical condition.

Have a Happy Healthy Life!!

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